How to Clear Clogged Drains Like a Pro With a Plumbing Snake

Tips & Tricks / Article
December 23, 2022

What Is a Plumbing Snake?

A plumbing snake, also known as a drain auger, is an instrument that is inserted into a clogged drain to clear it. It is a coiled metal wire that is pushed and turned down the drain to break up the clog and remove it.

Snakes come in different sizes, and you will need to select the right one for your drain. You can buy them at most hardware stores, or you can rent them from your local plumber.

How to Properly Use a Plumbing Snake

You should now have a good understanding of how to properly use a plumbing snake. By following these simple steps, you can clear clogged drains like a pro.

Remember to always be cautious when using a plumbing snake. Safety should always be your number one priority. If you are not comfortable using a plumbing snake, or if you feel like the clog is too deep for you to handle, please call a professional plumber.

Choosing the Right Plumbing Snake for the Job

When it comes to clearing clogged drains, there's no one-size-fits-all snake. You need to choose the right plumbing snake for the job, and that depends on the type of clog you're dealing with.

For instance, if you're dealing with a hair clog, you'll need a slim snake that can fit down the drainpipe. But if you're dealing with a clog caused by something like grease or toilet paper, you'll need a heavy-duty snake that can break up the obstruction.

Your plumbing snake dealer will be able to help you choose the right snake for the job, so don't be afraid to ask for their advice. They should be able to recommend the right snake for your needs, and they'll also be able to show you how to use it properly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Plumbing Snake

Using a plumbing snake isn't hard, but it does require a bit of patience. Here's how to use one correctly:

1. Remove any debris from the top of the pipe that might be clogging it. This may require unscrewing the sink/toilet drain first.

2. Insert the plumbing snake into the pipe at an angle so that you can push it downwards further into the drain pipe until you reach your desired depth.

3. Slowly rotate the knob on the handle of the snake in order to pull back any material that might be blocking your drain (e.g., hair, soap scum, etc.).

4. Keep rotating and pulling back until you feel like nothing else is blocking your drain and then remove it from the pipe slowly and carefully until all coils are out.

5, Run some hot water down the drain or flush your toilet to make sure that everything has been cleared properly and all debris has been removed!

Tips and Safety Measures When Using a Plumbing Snake

When using a plumbing snake, you should take some basic safety measures. First, make sure the plumbing snake is in good condition and has no frayed wires or exposed electrical outlets. Wear protective clothing, including gloves and goggles. When you’re working with power tools in tight spaces, always have a partner nearby to keep an eye on you.

Before inserting the plumbing snake into the drain, make sure that the area is free from any debris or foreign objects that could be caught up in the machine or snag your clothing. Also, remember to snake from end to end rather than going around in circles–you don’t want to damage any of your underground pipes! Finally, be sure to unplug the plumbing snake after every use and store it appropriately.

FAQs About Using a Plumbing Snake

Using a plumbing snake is a great way to help clear out clogged drains, but you might still have some questions. Here are some of the most common questions I hear related to using a plumbing snake:

- Is it safe to use a plumbing snake? Yes! As long as you use the right technique and safety measures, using a plumbing snake is perfectly safe.

- How often should I use my plumbing snake? You should only use your plumbing snake when needed and don’t overuse it.

- Will using a plumbing snake damage my pipes? With proper technique and experience, using a plumbing snake shouldn’t damage your pipes. However, if you’re not confident in your skills, it may be best to call in an experienced plumber.